2024 – 25

Sponsorship and Support

The OCO Organization gratefully acknowledges the following Season Sponsors.
We appreciate their support and ask that you support their businesses on our behalf.

Foundation Grants

Oconomowoc Area Foundation
Oconomowoc Rotary Foundation

United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF)

Business Sponsors

Oconomowoc Realty – Underwriter
Concord General Store
The Jewelry Mechanic


Concord General Store
The Jewelry Mechanic
Oconomowoc Realty

The Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra wishes to thank the following Individual Contributors.
Our performance and continued outreach would not be possible without their support.

Ramon Aguirre
Robert Flath
John & Michelle Hogan
Julia Reitz – in Memory of Barbara Schwarz
Robert & Laura Rowe
Dave & Pam Williams


OCO Endowment Fund

The OCO Endowment Fund exists to ensure continued orchestral outreach and performance in our community.
The OCO appreciates the following donations:


Ramon Aguirre (in memory of Tom Snyder)
Julia Reitz (in memory of Barbara Schwarz)
Mrs. Ann Hasselkus (in Tribute to Dave & Betty Reul)
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Koehn (in Tribute to Dave & Betty Reul)
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Koehn (in Tribute to Dave & Betty Reul)
Ms. Julie Erlandson (in memory of Shirley Hamilton)
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Koehler (in memory of Dr. Claude P. Carpenter)
Dr. Elizabeth Jones (in memory of Dr. Claude P. Carpenter) 
Mrs. Ann Rumpf (in memory of Dr. Claude P. Carpenter)
Vickie Bence (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Breyer (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Mary Hein (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Dr. Elizabeth Jones (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lourdes (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meyer (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Katherine Stanwood (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Vogel (in memory of Arlene Carpenter)

The Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra is a non-profit 501c3 organization. We welcome your support.
Donations may be made online on our 
Donate page,
or by sending a check to
Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra
P.O. Box 394 Oconomowoc, WI  53066